icon_1CURRENT NEWS Next new Puppy Training Courses start 13th March at Hooley village hall,Coulsdon and 7th April at Old Coulsdon For Improver and GCDS (see calendar on website) Please note new email address is colliecorner@hotmail.co.uk
icon_2CURRENT CLUB ACTIVITIES Puppy training; Improver/Junior training; Bronze Good Citizen training; Silver and Gold Good Citizens Training; Advanced and Competitive obedience
icon_3 CURRENT FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2025 is our 20th Anniversary lookout for special events to celebrate. also 14th June will be our fifth KC open obedience show. This year will be held at Croydon post office ground, Warlingham



The Club had a brilliant weekend and success for members competing at Warlingham Open Dog Show and SATS Championship on the weekend of 25th/26th June. Teresa and Quito winning both Prebeginner and Beginner, Louise gaining 5th place in Prebeginner, Grainne and Dotti just out of places in Prebeginner but eligible for their K.C. Merit Award then finally Barbara (Trainer) having won open C Dog qualifying Connor to work Championship class. See below photos.

Above and below  are two members of the competition class Louise with Phobe (left) and Teresa with Quito (right).   Above centre  trainer Barbara with Jessica.   All  gained 3rd places in their classes at the Southern Border Collie Open Show  held 8th May and Culverstone Open Show held 17th May.      Louise had already had earlier success this year but Culverstone was Teresa and Quito's debut to the  ring so she and husband Peter were thrilled.

Above are Grainne and Dottie. They have been club members for 4 years and they have progressed from the puppy foundation class now training for competitive obedience.They have picked up a few credentials on the way such as Good Citizens Bronze,Silver and Gold certificates. They have also received awards for the Highest achievers in 2008 and in 2009 the pair gained The Challis Cup for progress in the senior class. This year in October 2010 they won the intermediate obedience class in the club competition. In 2010 Grainne entered special prebeginner and beginner classes at Open shows in competitive obedience and is hoping to improve and gain placings in 2011. Also above is Vinnie with his proud owners Paul and Julia Maidment. Club members now for the past 4 years. Vinnie has made immense progress. Julia and Vinnie are now in Senior class. They gained the Progress cup for Rescue dogs in 2008. Recently, in 2010 also won Best Rescue in the club competition. Julia and Vinnie have gained their Good Citizens certificates in Bronze, Silver and Gold. Julia and Vinnie were awarded The Judges special award at the Club Competition in October 2010.
Above is Eleanor with Phoebe This pair at this point had just graduated from the puppy foundation class but phoebe has gone on to bigger and better things with her main mum Louise. (see right and above). They both now attend the Competiton class and recently won the Advanced Obedience at the club competition 2011. Louise and Phoebe are now regular entrants at Kennel club licensed open shows and have gained a placing or two. Just recentl;y gaining a second place in Beginners at a KC licensed Limit Obedience Show. This pair were awarded The Classic Magic Charm Trophy in 2009 and again in 2010 in recognition of their achievement and progress toward competitive obedience.
See left, Gail with Wilfred receiving the Trophy for the Rescue dog  having made good progress since joining the club.  Gail and Alan have worked very hard to build Wilfred's confidence and this award was much deserved.
Here is the successful line up of Gold and Silver Good Citizens with Kennel Club Accredited Assessor Mrs. Jenny Harknett.
The above seniors have all gained their Gold Good Citizens certificates. 
See below Pictures of members participating in the Sponsored Dog Walk to support the Club Charity The Retired Greyhound Trust 
To the left is Peter with his dog Quito on the right and acquired competitor for fuss (my Misty) on the left.