icon_1CURRENT NEWS Next new Puppy Training Courses start 13th March at Hooley village hall,Coulsdon and 7th April at Old Coulsdon For Improver and GCDS (see calendar on website) Please note new email address is colliecorner@hotmail.co.uk
icon_2CURRENT CLUB ACTIVITIES Puppy training; Improver/Junior training; Bronze Good Citizen training; Silver and Gold Good Citizens Training; Advanced and Competitive obedience
icon_3 CURRENT FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2025 is our 20th Anniversary lookout for special events to celebrate. also 14th June will be our fifth KC open obedience show. This year will be held at Croydon post office ground, Warlingham


Leaway Lynx 1/9/2004 – 15/1/2012

Lynx was a clever and affectionate greyhound who bought a bit of magic to our lives and to the lives of hundreds of others via his blog. Lynx was far too clever to exert himself in class, but we were very proud when he got his bronze and silver awards within a few months of coming to live with us.

There's so much more we could say - I'm not exaggerating when I say that we've had hundreds of messages of sympathy from people who have met him and the many more who never met him but read his diary on the blog

We are crushed - our first day without him has been horrible but we know from experience that time will take the edge off eventually.
Sue and Richard

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CLASSIC MAGIC CHARM (DOTTI) 16/09/1998 -to- 2/10/2009


It is with great sadness that I have to report to club members that my Dotti was given sleep today following veterinary assessment that confirmed serious liver damage that would not repair. I thank you all for your support this week when the sudden onset of illness led to the hospitalisation of Dotti. It is hard to accept that she ran across Coulsdon Common barking to her hearts delight as usual on Wednesday with no evidence of illness. Yet on Thursday morning she was violently sick and then became more ill during the day when I was at work. I took her to the vet at 4.30 p.m. and later that evening the vet was of the opinion that she had pancreatitis and whilst seriously ill had a chance Today all changed following an endiscopy which revealed the extent of the damage to the liver. I am so sad, shocked and distressed words cannot convey but thanks once again to all of you who expressed your concerns.

The kindest, most gentle and loving dog she talked to everyone and loved everyone that is the best way to describe my Dotti. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 6 months of age and it seemed unlikely that I would ever be able to work her in obedience let alone get to the dizzy heights of 'C' only. In fact after a number of months of taking her to see specialists and attending hydrotherapy she managed to build enough muscle to hold her hips together and was able to have an enjoyable and pain free life. She gained many qualifiers in C but was unlucky to not gain the C win which would have qualified her to work in Championship and given her an obedience warrant from the Kennel Club, a number of chances were missed. The hip dysplasia did hinder her to some extent in achieving the down in a correct manner and this often cost us points in the distance control exercise and positions on the move. However she loved to sit and often completed a ten minute sit when others were doing the down in stays. My fondest memories of her will be the games she played with my socks and slippers to get attention or a treat for returning them. However the last time she played with my slippers they ended up in shreds behind my back whilst I was trying to teach my younger dog Jess distance control.

Oh my darling Dotti, your presence I miss, your memory I will treasure, loving you always and in my thoughts forever. I hope you have met up with Roley and Sheri at Rainbow Bridge. Mum

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BRAMBLE (Newfoundland) (April, 2002 - 25th Dec.2009)


owned and much loved by Adele, Ellie and Nick Lawlor

It is with great sadness that Bramble had to be given sleep having been diagnosed with liver problems. Bramble was a founder member of the Club and up to a year ago had been a regular attendee with Nick or Adele. A lovely kind girl always testing Nick out on retrieve. I still see her now just dropping it at Nick's feet as he reached out to take the dumbell. That was her game. I feel so sorry for you as it is the hardest thing in the world to have to say farewell to our best friends and I know how absolutely devoted you all were to her. However she gave you her all and you had many enjoyable times and these are what we have to cherish. Sorely missed but cherished forever. Bramble go find your friends at Rainbow Bridge where you can run free forever.

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DASH Greyhound (21.12.98 to 4.10.10)


owned and much loved by Barbara Short

My beautiful, special girl did not recover from a massive serious infection which took over her body rapidly during the weekend of 2nd/3rd October 2010.
It was only the Sunday afternoon when I realised that there was something seriously wrong and I had to leave the show to seek veterinary attention for her. Her loss has left a hole in my heart and my doggy family feels much reduced.

Dash was a very clever greyhound who came to live with me and my collies at the age of 4. She fitted in so well and was such a rewarding pet to have around. My collies have always adored her. She had been rehomed and put back in rescue (as they do). She was as bright as a button and so responsive I just had to have her. She proved very trainable and was able to do all the exercises required for obedience but I did not pursue her working in the ring. Instead she was most often my demo dog at club. She was adept at getting herself to Pet Needs whenever possible at shows. She would invariably end up at the secretary's tent embarrassing me .

She thought she was put on this planet for people to make a fuss of her. She was Pets Therapy and made it a point to say hello and nuzzle up to anyone who dared to approach. Her hay day of chasing rabbits and birds had passed but was still quite pacey when she chose. However she was enjoying more and more this year taking it easy on her bed or mine. Hopefully she has met up with my Dotti whom I also lost the same time last year as well as her other friends at Rainbow Bridge. Another bit of my heart has been broken Sleepeezee my Darling girl. Love Mum, Connor, Jessica Misty XXXXXX

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